Allen Creek Elementary School

Allen Creek PTSA Co-Chair– Laura Linder
Allen Creek PTSA Co-Chair– Sarah Baker
Appreciation Events
Honor our Teachers & Staff
Each year we honor teachers and staff with school-wide special appreciation events. Allen Creek PTSA hosts Spring Appreciation Luncheon in May. In April, room parents work directly with families in the classroom to collect funds (donations are optional) for a class gift, to be presented to the classroom teacher and paraprofessional on Teacher and Staff Appreciation Day.
Appreciation Events
Spring Appreciation Week - May 5-9, 2025
Spring Appreciation Luncheon - May 6, 2025
Volunteers Needed
Parent volunteers are always needed to donate food and non-food items. Help is needed to set up, serve, and clean up at the appreciation events. A wish list will be sent out via SignUp Genius. Keep an eye out for more information on enews!