Allen Creek Elementary School

Allen Creek PTSA Co-Chair– Laura Linder
Allen Creek PTSA Co-Chair– Sarah Baker
After School Enrichment
Allen Creek PTSA's After School Enrichment Program (ASEP) has fully transitioned to online registration. Registrations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Once the program is full, the online system will be closed. If a waitlist form is available for that program, then you may request that your child be placed on a waitlist. The program coordinator will follow-up with an e-mail notice if a spot becomes available.
Please observe the registration deadline as we need to meet the minimum registration numbers for the after-school clubs to proceed, confirm program instructors in advance, and order materials. We also create and share spreadsheets with participants' information with the front office, teachers, and club chairs; and many chairs set up email groups for their communications. Making updates is no small feat with all these players! No late registration requests will be considered on the program’s start day. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation in registering before the deadline.
The mission of Pittsford PTSA's After School Enrichment Program (ASEP) is to provide safe and supervised after-school educational, enriching and/or recreational programs for school-age children in grades K-5. Building PTSAs choose programs based on their individual demographics, interest level, and parent commitment. The building principal must approve all programs. Each after-school club has its own coordinator. Visit the Leadership page to contact the appropriate program chair with questions.
Please note: Programs on this page are for Allen Creek Elementary students only.
Important Reminders about the After School Enrichment Program:
Allen Creek PTSA's After School Enrichment Program (ASEP) is a service we offer to our Allen Creek families, therefore after-school enrichment programs are intended to be self-supporting and break even financially.
The Allen Creek Lend-A-Hand Fund is available to students for who may need financial assistance. Please contact Principal Pollard at (585) 267-1202 for assistance.
Please note, online processing fees will be calculated and applied at check out for each program registration.
Per District PTSA policy, parent volunteers are required and must be present at all times to provide assistance where needed. Please volunteer to help enrich your child's after school club experience!
No late school bus service is available for PTSA-sponsored after school programs. A parent, guardian, or an authorized adult must pick up your child promptly after the session. Please arrive on time to be considerate of the parent volunteers' time.
At pick-up, a parent/guardian or an authorized adult must sign out your child. Be prepared to show ID to the volunteer signing your child out for the safety of all children in the program. Be sure to contact the program coordinator if the authorized adult for pick up changes.
No refunds provided when your child is absent, sick, or participating in an activity that conflicts with ASEP sessions.
Per District PTSA policy, you may withdraw your child and request a refund up to 7 calendar days prior to the start of the program; online payment fees will be deducted from all refunds regardless of refund date. Less than 7 days prior to a program’s start date, or after a program has begun, only medical refunds (with a doctor’s statement) will be granted. Refunds may be prorated based on the date of notifying the PTSA ASE committee; all expenses incurred by the ASEP will be deducted from any refund.
Registration buttons will only be active when registration period is open.
If a program fills, scroll to the bottom of this page to find the WAITLIST.
Chess Club (Grades 1-5)* $30
Time: 3:05 - 4:05 (4:20 on 11/19)
Day: Tuesdays (5)
Dates: 10/15, 10/22, 11/5, 11/12, 11/19
Class Size: 70 max
Instructor: Rochester Chess Center
Chess is not only fun, but the game improves concentration, develops logical and critical thinking, promotes creative problem-solving, and rewards hard work! Rochester Chess Center’s experienced chess instructors will give lessons and supervise play. Adult volunteers (no chess experience required) are critical to the running of our sessions. Please note that pickup on the last session will be at 4:20 to allow for extended tournament play. *Kindergartners who know how to move pieces are welcome to join.
Art Club (Grades K-2) $10
Time: 3:05 - 4:30
Day: Wednesdays (2)
Dates: 10/30, 11/6
Class Size: 20 max
Instructor: Lindsday Lau
Calling all creative kids! Join us for another session of our wildly popular art club! These sessions fill very quickly, so register early to avoid disappointment! Adult volunteers needed for each session.
Musical Theatre Club (Grades K-2) $25
Time: 3:05 - 4:05
Day: Fridays (4)
Dates: 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22
Class Size: 20 max
Instructor: Laura Jean Diekmann
This four week club introduces students to the fun of theatre! We will primarily focus on theatre games to help students feel comfortable and confident. The games are a great way for kids to get moving at the end of the school day. Additionally, students will be taught vocal warm ups, basic stage and theatre terminology, and a basic musical theatre song and dance. All are welcome!!! Adult volunteers needed for each session.
STEM Club: Rubber Band Racers (Grades 3-5) $10
Time: 3:05 - 4:30
Day: Monday (1)
Dates: 11/4
Class Size: 30 max
Instructor: Andi Popp
TeacherGeek has a mission for you! You've just crash landed on Mars! Your spaceship is toast and the rest of the crew is nowhere to be found. Your mission is to create a rover to drive around and rescue your lost crew. Can you design the rover that can travel the greatest distance? Each student will receive their own TeacherGeek rubber band racer kit to keep. Adult volunteers needed.
Art with Heart - Thanksgiving Cards (Grades K-5) - WEDNESDAY Free
Time: 3:05 - 4:05
Day: Wednesday (1)
Dates: 11/13
Class Size: 30 max
Instructor: Andi Popp
ACE has heart! During this special session of art club, we'll learn a cool oil pastel technique to make beautiful Thanksgiving turkey cards for our neighbors at the Friendly Home. Please select ONE day when registering your child. Adult volunteers needed for each session. For families with students in chorus, please do not select a date that conflicts with your child's rehearsal. For your reference, 5th Grade Chorus meets Wednesdays, and 4th Grade Chorus meets Thursdays.
Art with Heart - Thanksgiving Cards (Grades K-5) - THURSDAY Free
Time: 3:05 - 4:05
Day: Thursday (1)
Dates: 11/14
Class Size: 30 max
Instructor: Andi Popp
ACE has heart! During this special session of art club, we'll learn a cool oil pastel technique to make beautiful Thanksgiving turkey cards for our neighbors at the Friendly Home. Please select ONE day when registering your child. Adult volunteers needed for each session. For families with students in chorus, please do not select a date that conflicts with your child's rehearsal. For your reference, 5th Grade Chorus meets Wednesdays, and 4th Grade Chorus meets Thursdays.
STEM with Pittsford First Robotis Club (Grade 4) Free
Time: 3:05 - 4:05
Day: Friday, Wednesday
Dates: 11/15, 12/11
Class Size: 25 max
Instructor: Pittsford High School Students
The Pittsford First Robotics Club is excited to return for their monthly STEM club for fourth graders. These Mendon and Sutherland students are usually busy working as a team to build a robot that can complete a task for a national competition, but they also have a club for younger scientists--YOU! In this club, students will be able to explore all aspects of STEM with fun science experiments and student-centric lessons. Adult volunteers needed for each session.
19th Century Games with GCV&M's Moveable Museum (Grades K-5) - MONDAY $7
Time: 3:05 - 4:05
Day: Monday
Dates: 12/9
Class Size: 25 max
Instructor: Julie Lane, GCV&M Educator
We bring the Genesee Country Village & Museum (GCV&M) to you! Do you have the newest game or toy on your holiday wishlist? Come and learn about the games and toys kids in the 1800s played with! Adult volunteers needed for each session. Please select ONE day when registering your child as the program will be repeated. For families with students in band or chorus, please do not select a date that conflicts with your child's rehearsal. For your reference, 5th Grade Band meets Mondays, and 4th Grade Chorus meets Thursdays.
19th Century Games with GCV&M's Moveable Museum (Grades K-5) - THURSDAY $7
Time: 3:05 - 4:05
Day: Thursday
Dates: 12/12
Class Size: 25 max
Instructor: Julie Lane, GCV&M Educator
We bring the Genesee Country Village & Museum (GCV&M) to you! Do you have the newest game or toy on your holiday wishlist? Come and learn about the games and toys kids in the 1800s played with! Adult volunteers needed for each session. Please select ONE day when registering your child as the program will be repeated. For families with students in band or chorus, please do not select a date that conflicts with your child's rehearsal. For your reference, 5th Grade Band meets Mondays, and 4th Grade Chorus meets Thursdays.